Anthropometric Measurements

CONTEXT: This is a more recent counterpart of Freiburg's anthropometric measurements, which, although it has a large amount of data across male and female sexes, it's rather outdated (the data were recorded in 1988); this prompted the development of this tool, which has data from 1987 women and 4083 men. One may use this to better visually conceptualize how their measurements compare to other people.

INSTRUCTIONS: All measurements are in milimeters, except for weight (kilograms) and height (inches). Ctrl+click label to select as x-axis, click regularly to select as y-axis, choose the parameters to the right, and then click the plot data button.

Display data for:

Display data for:

Showing Abdominal Extension Depth (Sitting) (X-axis) in relation to Acromial Height (Y-Axis)